Thursday, March 2, 2017

Fishing Log

March 2, 1997 - Caught one yellow mouth trout at C/D* too small to keep.  Beautiful weather, no wind.

March 3, 1997 - Caught one yellow mouth trout during lunch, and three after work, none of them were keepers.  Weather nice, 88 degrees F. high temp. for the day.

March 4, 1997 - Caught one keeper (yellow mouth trout) during lunch from Charlie-2 Pier.  Visited the Intracoastal Waterway (Johnson Island, under the Atlantic Blvd. Bridge) after dark, looking for speckled sea trout.  Falling tide, no fish.

March 5, 1997 - Caught a 14-in. yellow mouth @ Charlie-2 Pier during lunch, and the first speckled sea trout of the season at Johnson Island in the Intracoastal Waterway, after work, during a cresting tide.  Broke a $12.95 rod from Big Lots, hauling him (speckled trout) in.  Bought a lighter version of the same (replacement) rod for base fishing ($20.00 Big Lots) and a heavier pole for specks from K-Mart ($30.00).  Put the old Zebco XB-65 (reel) on the new speck pole, (spooled) with 28# test Spider fusion line.  Switched the ugly reel to the new, lighter pole.  Weather unseasonably warm, 85 degree air temp.

March 6, 1997 - A front moving in.  A maiden fish for each of the two new poles.  I caught a medium sized yellow mouth trout on the small rod @ C/D* Pier, just after low tide, and a 16-in. spotted trout on the bigger rod just before high tide in the Intercostal Waterway after work, near Johnson Island, under the Atlantic Blvd. Bridge.  About 20.min. later, guy fishing with me caught a 26-in. monster speckled trout, on a rusty old jig I'd just given him.  He was using ultra light tackle and had no landing net, so I had to help him land the fish bare handed (a Chinese fire drill).  The jig had once been part of a tandem rig snagged up off the bottom weeks earlier at C/D* corner.  It had a big orange head and a stubby chartreuse tail.  Short and heavy, with ugly colors, I had no confidence in it at all.  I'm constantly amazed by what will catch fish.

* There is no Charlie/Delta Pier corner on the base, so I'm no longer sure of the exact spot referenced in my log, but it probably refers to either the A/B or B/C corner.    

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