Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Fishing Log

B/C corner (left) C-1 (middle) C-2 (right) E-3 (bottom)
Feb. 22, 1997 - Caught and released 3 small yellow mouth trout @ Bravo/Charlie corner.  Cold front moving in.  Full moon, cloudy, windy, and rain.

Feb. 25, 1997 - Caught 2 small YMT @ B/C corner, in about 10-min. at first light, just before work.  No keepers.  Foul weather all day, high tide at 10:30am.  Came back after work (17:30) same spot - caught nothing.

Feb. 26, 1997 - Fished B/C corner after work (5:30-pm).  Made 3 casts, hooked 3 YMT, landed 2 keepers, then nothing.

yellow mouth trout - web image
Feb. 27, 1997 -  Caught and released 2 small YMT @ B/C corner.

Feb. 28, 1997 - Caught 3 YMT @ Charlie-2, right next to USS JFK CV-67, lost one that may be the biggest trout I've hooked this year.  Returned to the South end of Echo-3 after work (dark-thirty) and caught 3 more YMT (totaling 6 for the day).  Kept 3 very nice fish.

March 1, 1997 - Caught 1 YMT @ C-1 before work, and one @ B/C corner during lunch - no keepers.  Brisk wind all day.

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