Friday, April 1, 2022

Fishing Log

April 1, 2002 - Released 3 yellow mouth trout and a blue after work today.  The trout were all heavy for their 13 to 16 inch lengths.  Also had a jig chased up from the bottom by a school of medium sized jack crevalle.

April 3, 2002 -  Caught 6 yellow mouth trout after work today on the falling tide at the C-2-W notch.  Fish all taken on green, metal flake, chartreuse twisty tails on a red .25 oz. jig head.  Got help landing the fish from a sailor.  Gave him 2 fish and kept 4.  All fish were a fat 16.5 to 17.5 in. long.  Also saw someone taking spanish mackerel and bluefish at B/C corner.  PS: Happy 3rd Anniversary, Kathy! Grilled 2 big rib eye steaks to celebrate.

April 4, 2002 - Released 2, 14 in. trout after work today, and kept a fat one that measured over 16 in.  A school of trout followed it up from the bottom.  One looked to be about 20 inches long, the rest looked small.

April 5, 2002 - Released a 12 in. flounder and a 14.5 in. trout at C-2-W notch today.

April 6, 2002 - Kept 3 medium size y.m. trout (15") and gave away several smaller trout and bluefish.  Missed several good hook sets.

April 13, 2002, Saturday - B/C corner, predawn, incoming tide, light S.E. breeze, before work: kept 4, lost 2, tossed one.  All fish about 14 to 15 inch y.m. trout.  Went back at lunch and after work, but the bite was over.

Sunday, April 14, 2002 -  Had planned to hit B/C corner by 7:00 AM but didn't get there until about 9:00.  Worked the north end of the basin until about 11:00 AM: kept a very fat 18 in. trout taken @ C-2-W notch, a large croaker @ C-1-W, a spanish mackerel (16" to the fork), and tossed back several blues.  Iced all down with a big bucket of ice from Earl Industries.  Gave Mac and Helga 2 fish, and blackeded the rest with some nice shrimp that Russell Downey gave me.

Monday, April 15, 2002 - Took 2 trout @ B/C corner before work and another @ C-2-W after work (2 were 15" and 1 was 13").  Watched several spanish mackerel arc through the air, tearing up a school of baitfish. 


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