Sunday, August 27, 2017

Fishing Log
August 27, 1997 - Caught a 2.5-lb., 18-in. flounder and a small jack at Charlie 2, and was given a barely legal slot red.  Fried the Red and the flounder in peanut/olive oil on the side burner of the gas grill, Delicious!  I threw the jack back.

August 30, 1997 - Picked up and released a nice croaker on the first cast @ Fox Pier cove.  There are rumors that a dry-dock will eventually be located there.

Sept. 2, 1997 - Watched 3 young redneck boys work the entire length of C-Pier, Killing flounder with live finger mullet.  They had at least 13 of them, many in the 4 to 6-lb. range.  They had also taken many large flounder yesterday too.  I WAS SKUNKED, BOTH DAYS !!??!!

Sept. 6, 1997 - Fished with Doug and Rod from a boat, working the creeks behind Oak Harbor, with jigs and finger mullet.  Picked up a small jack, then went to 'C'-Pier on the base, working the seawall with jigs and finger mullet - NOTHING !!!  Also saw a cooler half-full of big flounder, the largest being about 9.5-lb.  Wind still out of the NE, falling tide.  Artificial jigs no longer productive.*

Sept. 9, 1997 - A 14-in. flounder taken at 'C'-Pier and a jack taken at Foxtrot.

Sept. 13, 1997 - 3 flounder, 18 to 20 inches (3 to 4.5-lb. range) from A/B corner and Foxtrot cove, all taken on live mullet. Had enough to feed Kathy's workshop guests and take some nice flounder fillets to Dorothy (my mother).

Rigging live finger mullet for flounder

*From early September to about mid November, I've noticed that the flounder, especially the big (breeding?) females are getting bigger, thicker, fatter, and a whole lot pickier about the baits they'll take.  They like the big live finger mullet and do not want to be hurried after they pick one up.

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