Friday, December 30, 2016

Alec Newell's Fishing Log

Trout Hole at E-3

Dec. 30-31, 1996 - Night fishing, foggy.  No accurate count of how many yellow mouth trout I caught and released at E-3.   Used solid white, or white w/pink tailed jigs - both very productive.  Action slow at low tide.  An oil spill from a ship near the trout hole killed the action during the early part of the night.  A 3-lb. YMT was taken by a fisherman near me at appx. 11:00-pm.  He was using a plastic, shrimp tail grub.  A very nice fish.

New Year's Eve, night fishing - Caught and released  11 yellow mouth trout at E-3.  Also saw hundreds of lookdown fish schooling in a slow clockwise pinwheel in the halo of a security light pointed at the water. A rare and eerily impressive sight.

lookdown fish (web image)
web image

New Year's Day, 1997 - Caught 6 YMT at E-3.  Released one, gave one away, and took home 4 very nice fish.  A good start to the new year.

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