Friday, May 3, 2019

Fishing Log
May 3, 1999 - 2 small sea trout and a sea robin, caught before dawn at the east end of C-1.  Kept one trout and cooked it with the flounder for Kathy.
May 6, 1999 - A jack crevalle and a 14.5 inch flounder taken at Fox Cove, just after noon, on a Christmas tree colored jig, on a white, .25-oz. head.  Released the jack.  The flounder fought so hard that I thought she was a jack too.
May 7, 1999 - Caught a toad fish at C-2, brisk breeze from the SW.  Yesterday's flounder filets are cooling in a Ziploc bag with curry seasoning and olive oil.  The cat ate the liver.
May 9, 1999 -  2 jacks, a sand perch, and a black sea bass, all released.  Saw 2 flounder at the west end of C-2, both (estimated to be) under two pounds.

'Christmas Tree Firetail' jig
May 10, 1999 - 18 inch flounder taken at Fox Cove, on a 'Christmas Tree Firetail' jig.  A nice flounder for this time of year.  NE wind, 5-10-mph.
May 11, 1999 - Lost about an 18 inch flounder at the West notch of C-2, just after work.  Was walking him along the pier, just below the surface, when he shook loose of the jig.

Saturday, May 15, 1999 - New moon, bottom of the outgoing tide, brisk wind out of the NW, overcast, and crummy conditions; But, I got a 21 inch flounder (just under 4 pounds) at the B/C corner, using a chartreuse jig.  Two young boys with a landing net helped me land the fish, which is a big one for this time of year.  Gave the May 10, 18-inch flounder to Kay Kaufman.

Mangrove or Gray Snapper
Sunday, May 16, 1999 - Caught and released the biggest inshore mangrove snapper I'd ever seen, at B/C corner, on a chartreuse jig.  I had misidentified the fish as a snapper species which (I thought) had be much larger to legally keep.  The tug boat crew that watched me land the fish, was shocked when I released it.

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