Sunday, May 19, 2019

Fishing Log
Wednesday, May 19, 1999 - Caught a nice 16 inch, female trout at C-2 West, just off the nose of the Kennedy, at low tide, just before first light.  (Did not weigh the fish)

Thursday, May 20, 1999 - Caught a 18-20 inch, yellow mouth trout, before first light (5:45 AM), at C-2 West, on a jig.  There were more there, but they were biting short, and I had to clock in for work.

May 25, 1999 - Picked up a 17 inch flounder At the B/C tug corner.  Got news from Base Physical Security via my boss, that my pier pass had been revoked and that I would not be welcomed back on the base to work if I got caught fishing on the piers again.  OUCH !!

Thursday, May 27, 1999 - I snagged a shrimp mammy east of C-1-1, then came back in the afternoon and harvested a 17.5 inch flounder at B/C corner, behind the last tug's transom.  Cleaned it and took it over to Mac and Helga's house.  Also picked up a keeper black sea bass on a jig at Mat Roland's dock.

May 28, 1999 - Lost a 2-lb. flounder and a nice sea bass at C-2-East, during a dead low tide, and on the first of the incoming tide, I hooked a big stingray from Mat Roland's dock that I never landed.

Black and white Wifflelure jig
June 3, 1999 - Landed a 17.5 inch flounder at C-2 East notch after work, wind SSE.  The fish was taken in the lee of the carrier (USS Kennedy) on a black and white Wiffelure  with a red .25-oz. jig head.  I broke my rod tip off heaving her up onto the pier.

June 5, 1999 - Caught 4 flounder and a big croaker at C-2 East and lost another 2-lb. flounder at the same spot.  All of the fish in the box were between 13 and 22 inches long.  Kathy is planning an end of the school year party for her faculty friends.  If the bite holds, I should have enough fish to feed all of them.  Can't wait for tomorrow.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Fishing Log
May 3, 1999 - 2 small sea trout and a sea robin, caught before dawn at the east end of C-1.  Kept one trout and cooked it with the flounder for Kathy.
May 6, 1999 - A jack crevalle and a 14.5 inch flounder taken at Fox Cove, just after noon, on a Christmas tree colored jig, on a white, .25-oz. head.  Released the jack.  The flounder fought so hard that I thought she was a jack too.
May 7, 1999 - Caught a toad fish at C-2, brisk breeze from the SW.  Yesterday's flounder filets are cooling in a Ziploc bag with curry seasoning and olive oil.  The cat ate the liver.
May 9, 1999 -  2 jacks, a sand perch, and a black sea bass, all released.  Saw 2 flounder at the west end of C-2, both (estimated to be) under two pounds.

'Christmas Tree Firetail' jig
May 10, 1999 - 18 inch flounder taken at Fox Cove, on a 'Christmas Tree Firetail' jig.  A nice flounder for this time of year.  NE wind, 5-10-mph.
May 11, 1999 - Lost about an 18 inch flounder at the West notch of C-2, just after work.  Was walking him along the pier, just below the surface, when he shook loose of the jig.

Saturday, May 15, 1999 - New moon, bottom of the outgoing tide, brisk wind out of the NW, overcast, and crummy conditions; But, I got a 21 inch flounder (just under 4 pounds) at the B/C corner, using a chartreuse jig.  Two young boys with a landing net helped me land the fish, which is a big one for this time of year.  Gave the May 10, 18-inch flounder to Kay Kaufman.

Mangrove or Gray Snapper
Sunday, May 16, 1999 - Caught and released the biggest inshore mangrove snapper I'd ever seen, at B/C corner, on a chartreuse jig.  I had misidentified the fish as a snapper species which (I thought) had be much larger to legally keep.  The tug boat crew that watched me land the fish, was shocked when I released it.