Thursday, October 26, 2017

Fishing Log
Oct. 26, 1997 - Picked up 3 flounder today on live mullet, two @ C-1 East and one at Fox cove: sizes ranged from 14-in, 16-in. (1.75-lb.), 18-in. (4-lb.), and a black sea bass at A/B corner.  Gave the sea bass and 2 smaller flounder to Stoddard Andreu.  Cleaned the large flounder for Dorothy and Travis.
Blackened half of the last flounder (caught Oct. 21) and deglazed the skillet with Sherry, onions and mushrooms, for a sauce - Good Stuff !
Also caught a 4-ft conger eel at C-2 East, Thursday.  It was as big around as a baseball and felt like a big flounder coming up.  Very disappointing.
Oct. 27, 1997 - Rained all day w/wind out of the SW.  Baitfish showing a spectacular show of activity just aft if a British ship berthed at A-1.  Helped a 'Limey' sailor land two big bluefish, a very excited and happy angler.

Oct. 29, 1997 - 4 flounder taken on live mullet from both ends of C-1.  The J.F. Kennedy berthed there, forms a natural barrier at both ends of the pier, trapping bait fish.  Finger mullet plentiful there now.  Flounder sizes: 15-in., 15.5-in., 17-in. (2-lb.), and 21-in. (5-lb.).  Wind NNE, falling tides.

I had been sent to the Good Ship Connolly at 8:00-am, to work on a galley oven that was in use and couldn't be tagged out (to work on) until 13:00, so with free time on my hands...   PAO (public affairs officer) CDR Conrad Chun had a flounder in his cooler that weighed just over 8-lb.  Rusty of B&M bait store, reported that 32 flounder had been taken just off of the point of the rip-rap (C-2) by two civilian anglers in a boat.  I also saw the base harbor master land a nice red where I was fishing at the end of C-1.  A very busy day.

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