Saturday, July 29, 2017

Fishing Log

July 29, 1997 - Eleven days since I've had a keeper.  Wind SE to SW today.  Caught a 17-in. 2-lb. flounder during lunch, 45-min. after low tide.  Had hooked and lost another about the same size before work.  Also lost one yesterday morning which I didn't get up high enough to see.  Modified the landing net to just two lifting guides to allow more room to bring a fish into the net.  Dave Burgin of SUPSHIP (surveyor/supervisor of ships' repairs) caught one (17-in. flounder) just after I left yesterday.  All fish above, from Fox cove.
triple tail
Took Kathy with me tonight and nailed two ribbon fish just after dark in the ships' security lights along B-Pier.  I could see them attacking bait fish just below the surface, in the halo of the lights.  Also saw two big (8-ft.) manatees this week in Fox cove, and saw a small triple tail (same location) yesterday.

July 31, 1997 - 14-in. flounder @ Charlie Pier.  Gave it to Stoddard.

August 2, 1997 - Lost 2 flounder today and 2 yesterday, all @ Charlie Pier.  Other people are catching them too now.  Dave Burgin was reported to have caught 3 at Fox cove today.  Things are picking up.  Light wind out of the NE, tide seems not to be a factor.

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