Thursday, January 5, 2023

Fishing Log

Sunday, Jan. 5, 2003 - Caught a medium size croaker at C-1-W that I gave away, and kept another croaker and 3 yellow mouth trout (13 to 17 in.) all caught on jigs at B/C Corner.  This is the last unfenced area on the basin to fish from now.  The little pier and the rip-rap east of C-2 has also been closed.  I did manage to access the new tug basin near the end of Foxtrot.  I my have been the first person to fish it.

Tue. Jan. 21, 2003 - Caught a fat, 15 in. (y.m.) trout at B/C Corner on my first cast, a beautiful fish with deep gold colored sides.  I made two more unproductive casts, and decided to let the first fish go.  She hit the water and made a very quick, strong recovery.  GO GIRL!

Sun. Feb. 23, 2003 - Hooked and released a 13 in. yellow mouth trout at B/C corner.  The fishing has slowed as the water temp drops.

Mon. Feb. 24, 2003 - Landed a 13 or 14 in. trout, jigging at C-1-W after work, hooked a second fish and released both.  Base security patrols have become more bothersome.  I make two or three casts and move, which makes catching a mess of fish difficult.

Tue. Feb. 25, 2003 - landed and tossed a small trout at B/C corner during my lunch break. 

Thu.  Feb. 27, 2003 -  A security vehicle was blocking access to C-1-W, so I made a quick stop at B/C Corner where I got 2 good bumps on as many casts and left.  Returned later and landed 6 trout between 15 and 16 in. in short order.  Kept them.

Fri. morning, Feb. 28, 2003 - Returned to B/C Corner just before dawn, landed and tossed and a small trout on my first cast, but didn't linger.  That is a hot spot right now, but ...