Fishing Log
Tuesday, October 1, 2002 - Took a 17" flounder from the little pier on the riprap at the east end of C-2. The tide was incoming, with an overcast sky and a stiff seabreeze. Chop on the water made baitfish hard to spot. The Spanish lady gave me some of her bait and a nice mangrove snapper. She kept a 19" flounder which I was happy to help her land.
Thursday, Oct. 3, 2002 - I caught a 26.5 inch, 6.01 lb. redfish on a live finger mullet from the seawall at the east end of C-2, on an incoming tide. The fish smoked the drag and made several strong runs through barnacle encrusted pilings and oil booms that really tested the line. I was afraid I'd hooked a big jack or a stingray, but it turned out to be a beautiful fish with a gold coppertone color and 13 spots on each side. I also had a medium sized flounder, already landed, that flopped off the seawall and back into the water. Still a good day. I already have some live bait stashed @ B/C corner and plan to get an early start tomorrow.
Friday, Oct. 4, 2002 - Managed to land a very big jack crevalle at B/C corner that strippred my spool almost down to bare metal. Returned after lunch with more live bait. Hooked up on my second bait and landed a 6.5 pound, 26 inch flounder. I lifted her almost 2 ft. off the bottom before she kicked. Also landed another 17 in. flounder with my last bait of the day. Took one side of yesterday's redfish and today's smaller flounder by my dad's house, cooked the other half of the redfish for Kathy, and saved the big flounder for other meals. We are heading down to St. Petersburg tomorrow, and will take a rod and an ice chest for the trip. I love fishing in October.
October 5, 2002, Saturday in St. Pete - Spent the night in the Anchor Motel on Treasure Island. Ate a "Sundown Special" at Leverock's Restaurant at the south end of the island, then caught a 16 in. speckled sea trout on a live shrimp from the motel dock after dark.
stone crab |
Tue. Oct. 8, 2002 - Caught a medium croaker, a stone crab, and a 16 in. flounder, just outside the fence at C-2-E. Gave it all to Black Mary (who works at FTCYLANT) and fishes that spot every day during her lunch break.
Wed. Oct. 9, 2002 - SKUNKED at same location as above (C-2-E).
Thu. Oct. 10, 2002 - 16.5 in. flounder and a small red grouper also both taken at C-2-E on live mullet, just before high tide.
Fri. Oct. 11, 2002 - Caught a 14.5 inch flounder from the small fishing pier outside the fence at C-2-E, which I gave to Jimmy the security guard. He caught his own 22-23 inch flounder a few minutes later. Kathy took me out to dinner at Slider's Seafood Restaurant.