Saturday, February 12, 2022

The new format limitations imposed by Google's Blogspot STINK: I would advise new bloggers, just getting started, to find a different platform post their work to. Feb. 12, 2002 - The yellowmouth trout have been biting well all month, but are getting smaller. I took my mother a tupperware container full of boneless filets Sunday. Today I kept 4 small (13"-14") trout, a big croaker, and a 12" or 13" seabass. I tossed back 6 bluefish, and gave away a dozen small trout to a fisherman next to me on C-Pier. Base Security and carpel tunnel syndrome (from too much jigging) have both become an increased aggrevation this month. I have started to use my left hand relieve the stress. Feb. 13, 2002 - After work today I took about 30 yellow mouth trout between C-1 and C-2, mostly small. Threw back 3 or 4 that were shorter than 12". Also kept a few small blues that I will smoke up, along with the trout for Kathy's party tomorrow night. The biggest fish I kept was 17" long. Feb. 26, 2002 - Took a nice mess of yellow mouth at the notch between C-1 and C-2, after work, on the incoming tide, using a pink twisty tailed jig with a white body. 4 pelicans dogged me all afternoon, stealing hooked fish from my line. Still jigging left handed to reduce irritation to my right forearm and elboe. Topped my sauteed trout tonight with a sauce of sour orange, lemon butter, white wine, capers and chopped pecans. Kathy loved it.