Sunday, October 10, 2021

Fishing Log

Oct. 10, 2001 - I hadn't even tried to fish in base since the Twin Towers came down in New York, Sept. 11. Everything changed that day and  base security has been in overdrive.  Today I caught two 17 inch flounder on live finger mullet from the fishing dock on the rip-rap at the end of Charlie Pier.  Seems like the Islamic terrorists love to time their attacks to ruin flounder season on the base: Oct. 23, 1983 - The US Marine barracks in Beirut was bombed; Sept. 24, 1984 - The US Embassy in Beirut was bombed; Oct. 20, 2000 - The USS Cole is attacked in Aden; And the Twin Towers in NYC were attacked on Sept. 11, 2001.

Oct. 12, 2001 - Caught 5 flounder on finger mullet from the rip-rap dock, all between 17 and 18 inches, except one 15 inch flounder that I gave away.  Also caught a 4 ft. conger eel that I sold to an Asian at the fish house for $5.00.

Oct. 18, 2001 - Caught 3 flounder from the rip-rap dock on finger mullet.  Kept two: one was just over 17 inches and one was over 20 inches. I gave away the 3rd fish (14 or 15 inches) and stuffed the biggest fish with shrimp and crabmeat for Allen Tilley's 60 yr. birthday party.

Oct. 23, 2001 - 5 more flounder from the dock on the rip-rap, the largest was between 21 and 22 inches long and weighed 3.75 pounds.

Oct. 24, 2001 - Took a 20 to 21 inch flounder, again at the rip-rap.  Live bait was scarce today.