Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Fishing Log
Saturday, Nov. 20, 1999 - Took Doug Oswald to the base.  He caught 2 back-to-back flounder on jigs, at Fox Cove.  My own first flounder was short (just under 12-in.).  My second fish (flounder) was a 16-in. keeper.
Saturday, Nov. 22, 1999 - Picked up a jack on a jig at B/C Corner.  Gave it away.
Dec. 5, 1999 - West Wind - We took 4 keeper trout at A/B Corner, and caught 3 mullet and 2 jacks in the cast net, which I plan to smoke.  One mullet measured 23 inches.
Thursday Dec. 9, 1999 - I hit Echo Pier just before dark.  The ships were all dressed out in Holiday lights and passing Christmas music over the 1-MC.  I caught 3 large bluefish, a 17-in. trout, and many jacks, which I gave to Stoddard Andreu.  The action was fast and busy.  Using any crummy jig in my box would trigger some very aggressive surface strikes.  Wind was from the southeast.
Friday, Dec. 10, 1999 - Jacks were making surface strikes on every cast I made from the bottom of E-Pier.  Too many to keep.
Dec. 20. 1999 - Landed 3 jacks and a blue on jigs at the bottom of E-Pier.  Released all of it.