Thursday, July 25, 2019

From my old Fishing Log
July 25, 1999 - At 11:58 this morning, Jessica delivered Mason Tyler Althar, an 8-lb. 11-oz. boy, who may become my fishing partner some day. I also caught a 14-in. flounder at B/C corner, a decent croaker at A/B Corner, and 3 impressive sea bass, on dead shrimp, from the LA Cruise dock.

*Mason turns 20 today (7/25/2019) and captains my old 15' Boston Whaler.

July 27, 1999 - Seven flounder : A Banner Day - All fish taken on 3/8-oz. jig heads and MrWhiffelure, soft plastic bodies.  They ranged from 14 to 19 inches in length, but I was too busy to weigh them.  All fish, except the smallest, were taken at B/C corner.  The 14-in. fish was taken at Foxtrot Cove.  I gave 6 fish away to Mac & Helga, Dave Fisher and Bill Williams.  The last fish will go to Jessica or my Mother.  Kathy and I still have plenty of uncooked fish from earlier this week.

July 28, 1999 - Returned to work today.  We cleaned up the shop and grilled Bubba Burgers and hotdogs for lunch.  A nice thing for management to do.  The real work begins tomorrow.  Also caught an 18-in. flounder at B/C corner, on my way home.  A sea tug captain (same spot), working a jig from his fantail, seemed to be having no luck.

July 30, 1999 - I worked 2nd shift with the welders aboard the USS Taylor (FFG-50), which is berthed at Delta-2.  During our lunch break, I hooked up with a large bluefish from the fantail.  It jumped twice and did some did some fancy tail walking before it spit the hook.  Some of the Taylor's sailors who were standing by, were impressed by the fish's acrobatic performance.

Saturday, July 31, 1999 - Fished Guano with Andy Williams, about 2.5 miles north of the dam, using live finger mullet for bait.  We boated several keeper size spotted sea trout, a 23-in. redfish, and several throw backs.  A fun day.