Fishing Log
B/C (top), A/B (left), Fox cove (right), E-3 (bottom) |
April 1, 1997 - April Fool's Day. Caught several throw-away blues and jacks at the corner of Alpha and Bravo Piers. Kept one blue and had a Gotcha Lure on a steel leader cut off by a medium sized blue.
April 2, 1997 - Caught 2 blues and 2 jacks, one about 17-in. to the fork of the tail, gave 'em away.
April 3, 1997 - Jacks and trout @ B/C corner before work. Kept only one trout. All taken on a white grub with a pink twisty tail, and a white 1/4-oz. jig head.
April 4, 1997 - One medium jack taken @ B/C corner, taken on a pink and green twisty tailed jig.
Penn Spinfisher 4400 SS** |
April 5, 1997 - Saturday. Bought a Penn spinning reel 4400 SS (saltwater series) for about $60.00 w/tax, and took it to the ICW - no action. Hooked and lost about a 13-in. flounder in the cove off the end of Foxtrot Pier on an incoming tide and a South wind. Moved to the trout hole @ E-3, and picked up 6 nice fish (yellow mouth trout) between 13 and 17 inches long, on new pink and white plastic jigs impregnated with shrimp scent. A Puerto Rican Electrician's Mate from SIMA* was doing just as well using unscented white plastic jigs, and a 1/2" mil-spec. hex nut for a sinker. The fish were taken on the cresting tide, just before dark, with the wind at our backs.
April 6, 1997 - SKUNKED. Heavy winds out of the S.E. & lots of Security Police to monitor fishing. Ran into the P.R. Electrician's Mate again, at the bottom of E-3. He had 4 small YMT. I made 3 or 4 quick casts and left.
* Shore Immediate Maintenance Activity
** This model has a very sloppy anti-reverse gear. The worst Penn reel I've ever owned.