Friday, September 29, 2023

Caught in a fishing sting by base security:

Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2003 - After making a couple of casts from F-Pier during lunch, I was converged on by a security boat, several trucks, and security squad of about 7 or 8 sailors brandishing automatic shoulder weapons.  After having my badge, driver's licence, and truck registration checked, I was informed that I would be be logged into the base computer as a "repeat offender" for fishing in unauthorized areas, and any future incidents would result in my being charged with trespass, having my badge confiscated, having my sticker scraped, and being escorted off base.  That would also be the end of my job.  I kept my job, but here is where my Fishing Log ends.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Fishing Log

Saturday, Aug. 2, 2003 - Took a 17" flounder from the rocks at Foxtrot Pier on a falling tide.  Cleaned the fish and sent it along with Kathy's friend Cristen to cook up for her husband.

Tuesday, Aug. 5, 2003 - The Navy has started to fence off B/C Corner. I released a big bluefish I hooked during lunch.  The fencing crew was impressed by how well the bluefish fought, but also informed me that this area will be inaccessible (fenced in) within a few days or so.

Monday, Aug. 8, 2003 - Took a 15" flounder near the Foxtrot rocks just after work.  Poles for the fence at B/C Corner are already up.

Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2003 - Sauteed up Monday's flounder with a mess of shrimp last night.  Lost a medium trout at Fox Rocks.  Noticed a school of big 'summer-run' mullet in the cove.  Will bring my big castnet to work tomorrow.

Friday, Aug. 15, 2003 - Set up inside the fence on Foxtrot with my 10 ft. net, and waited for dolphins to drive the mullet toward me.  Made a hurried throw and netted 14 or 15, 2 lb. fish, then eased quietly back out the gate.  Sauteed shrimp and scallops up for dinner, then cleaned and seasoned up the mullet for smoking.

Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003 -  Smoked up Friday's catch Saturday afternoon, then hit another big school of mullet Sunday, and hauled in about 50 lb. of fresh fish.  Gave away a bunch of smoked fish at work on Monday, then started preparing Saturday's catch for the smoker.  Lots of work.

Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 - Took 2 flounder at Fox Rocks this morning, one was 20 inches long and the other was about 18 inches long.  Came back in the afternoon and snagged another flounder in the same spot.  B/C Corner is all but fenced off.

Saturday, Aug. 23, 2003 - Made a couple of throws with the castnet after work today.  Hauled in a cooler full of big mullet which I gave to Wally.  Also gave him a flounder.

Wed. Aug. 27, 2003 - Spotted a large school of mullet feeding on the swill coming from a garbage grinder aboard the USS Vicksburg.  Also saw a flounder in shallow water near Foxtrot, but it was Kathy's birthday, so I skipped the fish and took Kathy, her mom, her daughter (Jessica) and grandson (Mason), to the Casa Marina restaurant for dinner.  Nice party.

Saturday, Aug. 30, 2003 - Fished with Bobby Hogue at Foxtrot Cove today.  I took a 17 in. flounder outside the fence on a jig, then caught a 19 to 20 in. flounder inside the fence on a live finger mullet that Bobby gave me.  Using live bait, he outfished me by landing 5 or 6 large flounder, the largest being 26 in. long.  I took my 2 fish home and fed them to Kathy and her girlfriends, with sauteed shrimp and rice.


Saturday, July 1, 2023

Wednesday, July 1, 2023 

Fishing Log 

July 1, 2003 - Released a big ladyfish before work. 

July 11, 2003 - Forgot to rig my landing net and lost a 2 to 3 lb. flounder during lunch at B/C Corner.

July 16, 2003 - Released a large bluefish at B/C Corner before work. During lunch I made two casts, outside the fence at Foxtrot Cove, and landed two medium sized flounder. Kept both. After work I released 2 blues and 2 ladyfish from the same spot. 

July 18, 2003 - From the rockside seawall of Foxtrot Cove, I landed two very nice flounder, (one 18" and one 20") after work. 

July 19, 2003 - I caught another 7 flounder at Fox Cove.  Took them to Bret's party and served them up with mango salsa.  Jessica took the uncooked filets home Sunday.

Friday, June 2, 2023

 Fishing Log

Monday, June 2, 2003 - Took a 3.5 lb. flounder at B/C Corner on a chartreuse metal flake, twisty tail jig, on a red .25 oz. head.  The fish measured 21 inches.  Blackened same on the grill and served it up with mango salsa:

3 diced ripe mangos
one chopped bunch of fresh cilantro
one 1/2 cup fresh lime juice
1 chopped red onion 
2 finely chopped seedless jalapeno peppers
blend with a little virgin olive oil

June 11, 2003 - Before work I hooked a small croaker that was attacked by a large bluefish.  I managed to reel in only the croaker's head.  Everything aft of the croaker's gill plates was gone.

Thursday, June 12, 2003 - Released a small croaker at B/C Corner, taken before work on a pink tailed Christmas tree jig, on a red .25 oz. head.

Friday, June 13, 2003 - Caught and released a 14 " croaker on my first cast - same details as above.  Nothing more after that.

Monday, June 16, 2003 - Another 15-16" croaker at B/C Corner before work.  Same particulars as above.

Wed. June 18, 2003, - Watched a panicked toadfish trying to evade a school of blues that had chased it up off the bottom.

Except for one good flounder, this has been a disappointing month. 




Monday, May 1, 2023

Fishing Log

Thursday, May 1, 2003 - With little wind on the water this morning, I had expected some fast action, but got no bites.  Visited the same spot after lunch and hauled out a 2.5 lb. trout.  No hook-ups after lunch but was treated to a mountain of fried fish at the Marine Science Center's annual cookout.  With a belly already full of  fried fish, I took the trout I caught today and filets from yesterday over to my dad's house.  Life in the village is sweet.

Friday, May 2, 2003 - Lost one, tossed one, and kept 3 medium sized trout before work. Nothing more at lunch, but the first fish after work got much heavier after the first run.  A bluefish had attacked the first (hooked) fish but both shook off at the seawall.  I landed one more trout and then went to the house.

Sunday, May 4, 2003 - I jigged up and landed 2 trout, a croaker and a sea bass at B/C Corner, and lost a triggerfish at the same spot.

Monday, May 14, 2003 - I lost 3 jigs before sunrise, figured that I'd been cut off by ribbon fish.  By noon, word was out that the basin was full of big schools of large bluefish, especially around Foxtrot Cove.  Bluefish not ribbon fish, had been the culprits

May 27, 2003 - Released a big croaker and a 13 inch red grouper at B/C Corner, after work.

May 28, 2003 - Picked up two, 17 inch trout at B/C Corner before work on a chartreuse jig.  Offered a wide variety of live and artificial baits to fish in Foxtrot Cove with (surprisingly) no takers.

May 29, 2003 - Caught two more 17 inch trout on a jig at B/C Corner before work.


Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Fishing Log

April 12, 2003 - 16 in. yellow mouth trout taken at B/C Corner.

yellow mouth trout

April 17, 2003 - Kept a medium size spanish mackerel, same spot.  

spanish mackerel

April 18, 2003 (Good Friday) - 8 yellow mouth trout and 2 bluefish, all taken before work, between 06:00 and 06:20 at B/C Corner, using a chartreuse jig with a red head.


April 19, 2003 - Still using a chartreuse metal flake jig with a .25 oz. red head, I caught a 20 in. 2.88 lb. yellow mouth trout at B/C Corner.  A nice fish, big enough to feed two people.

Wed. April 30, 2003 - Lost one (trout), tossed one (ladyfish), and kept three y.m. trout at B/C corner, between 6:00 and 6:25 AM.  All fish taken on a chartreuse twisty tail jig with a red .25 oz. head.  The trout I kept were between 13 and 17 inches long. The ladyfish was about 24 inches.  No fish caught during lunch break.
